I Don't Like to Move It, Move It

I Don't Like to Move It, Move It

We’re moving! From a one-bedroom, fourth floor apartment to a two-bedroom duplex with a little backyard!

All of that is exciting, just not the actually moving part. Is it possible to be cozy while moving? No, not really. But I’ve been trying to find ways to make it bearable. How so, you ask?

The BF and I have been taking our sweet, baby time with the packing up portion. So much so that a coworker of mine joked that I’ve been telling her I’m in the middle of packing for the past 3 weeks…which is kind of true? Because we found a place earlier than we initially planned, we have a month overlap of leases. This lessens the pressure and stress of moving in my opinion.

First round of ‘moving’ for us meant throwing things away. We took turns going through drawers and bookcases full of random things and threw or donated items we knew we no longer needed. I have a tendency to collect and hoard things so I think it’s good to do this every so often. The BF threw away a ton of old shirts he no longer wore and I threw away a ton of expired OTC medicines and old makeup.

Second round of moving was the boxing things up and/or putting things in trash bags. Since our apartment is small, most of our stuff is hidden in cabinets and drawers. We opened these up and kept them open as we packed so we could see our progress. We didn’t do that initially and at the end of every packing night, we felt unaccomplished. So this helped us see where we were at.

While packing, I turned up the AC to keep cool and put in my wireless headphones. I listened to an audiobook - When Life Gives You Lululemons, specifically. Pretty much every morning after packing, I took some Aleve or Advil because I was so sore!

Third round of moving relied on hiring movers. When we moved into the apartment, we moved in everything ourselves - bed, couch, etc. We vowed to never do that again because it sucks and the BF ended up hurting his back. We packed some of the more fragile and special things in our cars ahead of the movers coming in but ultimately, we left a lot for them to do.

To celebrate the end of moving, we ordered Round Table pizza and chicken wings, drank a fruity beer, and chilled for the rest of the evening. We did this last time we moved and it has become a bit of a tradition.

Now to unpack everything…

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