A Cozy-ish Road Trip

A Cozy-ish Road Trip

Okay, so our trip is about 8 hours long...my BF doesn’t seem to mind the drive much. He does a majority of the driving, like 90% to be honest. He’s good at staying awake. Me, on the other hand, I’m good at snacking and napping.

Ahead of the weekend jaunt, here’s what I’ve prepped for maximum comfort:

Car Clothes

  • My choice: Loose black pants from Target - super comfortable and breathable. Pairing them with a black mock turtleneck tank top...sounds odd, but it works. This shirt is really soft, likely because I’ve worn it a bajillion times. Got it for about $10 at Marshall’s. The shirt is great for layering and I like the feeling of my neck being ‘protected’ while I sleep. Note: In order to wear this outfit to work, I’m wearing it with white Sperry slip-ons and a white striped blazer (also from Target).

  • The BF’s choice: Everyday wear. A soft T-shirt (could be American Apparel or Next Level), a pair of basketball shorts (Nike if he’s feeling fancy), and sneakers(Nike).

Audible Goodness

  • To keep us occupied, I’ve downloaded some podcasts and Spotify playlists. The BF and I have been on a true crime kick so I downloaded Up & Vanished, recommended by a friend of mine. Also love me some mischief and magic so we downloaded Binge Mode: Harry Potter for some in-depth analysis. And in honor of the Queen of Soul, also downloaded ‘This is Aretha Franklin’ playlist. Lastly, I downloaded the ‘Wake Up Happy’ playlist because it’s fun.

  • The BF will likely have downloaded some sports podcasts as well for when I’m napping. Update: He downloaded an episode of The Rewatchables about Inception, which was a good listen.

Sneaky Snacks

  • Because we’re heading out right after work, we’ve decided to eat on the way. Possibly snack it the whole time. I went on a quick Safeway run and picked up beef jerky, nectarines, sliced apples, cubes of cheese, almonds, and some water. Oh, and coffee and 5-hour energy shots to down when necessary. Update: Also bought giant chewy Sweetarts - my fave

Other things we’ve stuffed into the car

  • A pillow! To snuggle and nap on.

  • A backpack full of clothes. A short trip means no suitcase. Just a bag with some clothes and toiletries.

  • Thought-provoking Bang, Kill, Marry scenarios.

  • A good mood! It’s important to settle into a long car ride with a good mindset. Don’t really want to sit next to someone for hours on end if they’re being cranky.


And here are a few pictures from our weekend adventures...



How do you stay comfortable during long road trips? I’d love some tips!

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