Time To Get Sleuthy

Time To Get Sleuthy

For Christmas, the BF’s younger sister got us a three month subscription for a mystery box and it’s as cool as it sounds. The subscription box is from The Deadbolt Mystery Society (even the name is cool).

We’ve successfully solved one mystery so far and just got our second box a week or so ago. Haven’t started it yet but am excited to dig into it!

I just want to say I think trial subscriptions make a great gift. A gift that keeps on giving for several months! This same sister also got us a trial subscription to a box from Universal Yums but I think I’ll have to save that for another post because there’s so much I want to say about it!

Anyhoo, I obviously don’t want to give away the answer to the mystery of The Jester (our first box) but I do want to share a bit about the contents and how the box works.

First off, the box is pretty small and the contents within it are small as well. The Jester came with puzzles to solve on paper and pretend photographs as well as some trinkets like a Mardi Gras necklace. I like that there wasn’t anything flashy or wasteful in it. Plus, the fun is in solving the mystery.

Among the bits of puzzles and clues is a summary of the mystery at hand. The Jester, for example, told us the mystery took place at a party. From there, you kind of just go about it yourself.

What’s neat is that they provide answers to each puzzle or clue with a QR code. If you think you have an answer to one bit of the mystery, you can share your answer and if you get it right, you get an additional clue via the internet. I sound so old right now, but for some reason, this just makes me so happy because it shows how resourceful the makers of this mystery box are.

The BF and I took about two half days to solve The Jester mystery box. The first night, both of us were a little tipsy and/or stoned so it probably slowed us down a wee bit. Plus, we were still getting the hang of things. I got too tired to finish it that night so we left everything laying on the table and finished it the next morning. I will say that initially, the BF and I thought too deeply about some things. At the end of the day, the mystery wasn’t as complex as I think our brains were anticipating. We were very hesitant to make some assumptions because we thought it seemed too easy, but ultimately, a lot of those assumptions were what we were supposed to make. Once we figured that out, we solved the mystery!

Okay, I’m going to stop before I accidentally reveal anything ~

Celebrating our solving of the mystery alongside Detective Hamner!

Celebrating our solving of the mystery alongside Detective Hamner!

If you’re looking for a fun friend, date, or solo indoor activity, you should try subscription out! It’s something you can do at home (yay, sweatpants and unwashed hair) and there’s no time pressure. Plus, you can listen to music (we put on music from Sherlock and Murder on the Orient Express to set the mood) and have a drink or two.

Let me know if you try it out or know of another subscription activity like this! Think the BF and I are going to continue our subscription to this one :)

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