Planning for THAT Time of Month

Planning for THAT Time of Month

I’m feeling puffy, tired, and annoyed. I want to stay in bed and hide from the world.

^ Current life status. Plus, it’s pouring rain outside so the desire to coze up is at peak levels. I am not in the mood to be around people and yet, I am also in extreme snuggle mode.

That time of month is never really just the week of. It’s the week before and the week of. For some, like moi, it’s worse the week before. And yet, every month I’m caught off guard like, Oh, is it that time again? Yes, bitch, it is.

Here’s my gripe: Where are the seminars that prepare you to manage adulthood with Ms. Flow? How come there aren’t like, refresher classes you can take at the local community college to learn strategies for being sociable at work when you’re on your period? Or lessons that teach you how to coexist with your partner under the same roof when your body’s special guest comes to town. Because, I mean, poor them. Can’t Cosmo write more articles about durable panties and stretchy pants?

A friend of mine shared a helpful tip to me the other day. Because she tends to get a bit down during that time of month, she’ll purposefully set up friend dates that fall within that week. That way, she’ll feel compelled to go out because she made these plans in advance. She knows that at the end of the day, she’ll be happier after having spent time with friends. Might be worth trying!

I kind of do the same thing?? But instead of hanging out with friends, the BF and I plan a dessert date. In the summer and early fall, it’s usually ice cream from Coldstone. More recently, it’s been anything that resembles a s’more. Oooh or a cinnamon roll. Or donuts.

I definitely don’t have this whole thing figured out. But I will say this: If you are not having a great day, hanging out with a close friend or your partner while watching a feel-good film tucked in a cozy bed can do wonders. Try not to get down on yourself for being in a crummy mood--it happens. Rent About Time or Secret Life of Walter Mitty right now, folks!

Also, if you’re curious, the cover pic of this blog features two lovely cats from a cat cafe in Christchurch, New Zealand!

A Room with a View (of Amateur Paintings)

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